What is Real Love?

The word”Love” is thrown around like a ball that is expected to be caught. When those words are heard by a person that has never known it, do they believe it? Do they look it up to see what it means? Do they ask someone about it? Do they go to find books on it to get a deeper understanding of it? Do they just forget it was ever heard and forget about it? Do they ponder in their thoughts as to what it would feel like to have real love? Do they think it should be like it is in the movies? Do they think that it is all peaches and roses that leaves a warm feeling running throughout your body? Do they think that it feels like snow on a cold winters day while drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows on top? Do they think it is something that is going to keep them warm at night when it is below zero, past freezing outside? Do they think that it is just going to knock on the door and say,” Here’s Real Love”!

Well let me tell you, it is NOT!! It is not anything like it is in the movies. It is not going to knock on the door and introduce itself. It is not going to leave your body feeling warm like hot chocolate. It is not going to keep you warm when the weather is below zero, past freezing. The reality of real love is really what you hope for it to be; but yet and still it is something that will rip out the heart of the most coldest human being in the world! I don’t care how much it is said to someone, if their heart is closed they will never receive it. They then wonder where the numbness comes from that they feel on the inside. To be honest, closed hearts do not care about love, or anything that has to do with love, or anyone that is connected to it. When someone has been hurt by love, it is dead to them, it does not mean anything to them, and they want nothing to do with it. Yes, this may be hard to understand for some, but this is how it is in the flesh. ©2019

Finding Real Love

Let us stop and think about this thing called “Love”. It is a four letter word. A four letter word that means a lot to some, but nothing to others. Do we really love ourselves as we should? Do we love others as we should? Do we love our enemies, or just the people that we like? Do we love those that hurt us? Do we love those that will not forgive us for whatever reason? Do we love the pain that we go through that make us strong? Do we love the Lord like we have been commanded to do? When we love Jesus, we can love the unlovable, because He is real love. He is the love that died for us, He is the love that was raised from the dead for us. He is the love that sent His Holy Spirit to us that we may not be alone. He is the love that raised the dead, opened blind eyes, made the mute speak, cast out demons, forgave us, made the lame walk, healed lepers, calmed the raging sea, fed multitudes, and prayed for us before He was crucified. Real love left us sixty-six books that tells us just how much He loves us.

The love that Jesus has for us will never change, because He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He wants us to love like He loves. I know it is hard to love someone when they have wronged you, and I know it is hard to forgive someone when you have been falsely accused of something that you had nothing to do with, but with God’s strength that works in us, we can forgive them and love them at the same time. ©2019

The Ark of the Covenant of God.
How Beautiful.


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