Portfolio Learning Projects Through Free Courses Online Called: Alison Courses. I will also be adding pictures here as well.

There are so many courses to choose from. I have never saw so many things that can be done for free, especially when it comes to learning something. I consider this a blessing. I can continue learning things that I want to know about. I can even talk about this on my podcast. This is amazing! I cannot wait to get started learning. I know this will boost my confidence, and my self-esteem will be better.

Project Name Microsoft Excel 2019 Beginners
Free online courses on alison.com
This looks like a blueprint of some kind, or maybe just an abstract piece of art.
Project Name Introduction to Microsoft Word 2019/365


Project Name Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2019

I decided to post this about this app because I think it can empower people to do more. I believe it can change things for the better for a person who is looking to learn more and do more in their lives, and as well as on their job(s). There is a wealth of information and studies for everyone. When I saw the ad about the app, I knew I was going to check it out, and when I did, I knew it would be something I would share. So, check out the app and the website to learn more about it. The courses are free, and not only that, there are certificates and diplomas that can be earned. The logo that you see on the left is their logo, you cannot miss it. Happy Learning!

These are some of the courses I will be looking into myself. I find them very interesting. I want to improve my skills in Microsoft and all it has to offer. This is something I can add to my resume, and it is something I can be proud of; a new accomplishment.

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