Resources for Deeper Contextual Study

Resources for deeper contextual study

  • Intervarsity Press (IVP) Ancient Christian Texts (Individual Volumes) (Volumes as low as $20.99) – This series offers new translations of full-length commentaries and sermons by early church leaders, many available in English for the first time. It provides scholars and readers with access to key writings of the early church, offering insights into ancient Christian wisdom and interpretation of Scripture.
  • Boice Expositional Commentary (Individual Volumes as low as $23.99) – This commentary series offers verse-by-verse and section-by-section analysis several books of the Bible, combining scholarly interpretation with contemporary application. Developed over two-and-a-half decades, it provides thoughtful insights for a wide range of readers, from serious Bible students to everyday Christians seeking practical understanding of Scripture.
  • Everyman’s Bible Commentary (Individual Volumes as low as $2.99) – This commentary series offers accessible insights into Scripture, providing verse-by-verse analysis and background information for both laypeople and pastors. It features contributions from renowned theologians, helping readers dig deeper into God’s Word with well-structured outlines and thoughtful interpretations.
  • IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old and New Testament (2 Vols.) ($54.99 – $27.99) – This verse-by-verse commentary provides essential historical, social, and cultural context for both Old and New Testaments, enriching Bible study with maps, charts, and comprehensive background information.
  • Baker Illustrated Bible Background Commentary ($49.99 – $24.99) – This richly illustrated volume provides essential cultural and historical insights into Scripture, enhancing personal Bible study with articles on ancient customs, geography, and societal norms.

And many more:

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Very Important: Spirituality

Matthew 1:21

How important is spirituality in your life?

Spirituality is very important in my life, it is how I was raised, and it is all I know. Even when I was living for the world before I gave my life to the Lord. This is why I share the gospel with everyone. Knowing Jesus is the most important thing to me in my life. I cannot live without Him, I cannot live without God, I cannot live without the Holy Spirit directing my steps in my life. I cannot do life without my Savior, Jesus Christ.

Because of who I am in God, I have to do what I have been called to do. I can’t sit around and do nothing. I have to do what Jesus said to do when He gave the Great Commission before He went back to Heaven. I know I don’t write as many posts as I once did, but I have to share what God leads me to share. Many messages I have written and shared since I started writing are still available for you to read and comment on. I will be sharing again like I once was as soon as I can, but because of school, I don’t have time to write. I pray you all will understand that I am preparing for my future. I have so much going on in my life. But spirituality will always be important to me. My faith in God is what keeps me strong no matter what I am going through in my life.

I think this question that was asked is valid because I have gotten the chance to talk about what’s important to me in my life.

With that being said, I pray you all never give up on what is important to you in your lives. Keep God first and He will take care of the rest. God bless you, and as always, thank you for joining me on my journey with Food for the Soul. God bless you. Have a great week.🕊️🙏🏾

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