Thoughtful Ways to Say “I Appreciate You”

Why is it important to tell others that we appreciate them?

This is an image of two people sharing gratitude with each other

Gratitude is wonderful. As we keep practicing it, we notice the changes that it brings to our lives, and how it makes us happier with time. But, this is largely limited to us.

By saying, “I appreciate you” to the people in our lives, we open doors of gratitude in our and their life. It’s a win-win!

The best way to spread gratitude around is to be vocal about it and express it as much as you can to the people in your life. So, let’s learn more about this, its meaning, how to say it, and the people to whom we can say, “I appreciate you” 🙂

I appreciate you

Meaning of I appreciate you

The meaning of “I appreciate you” is to let someone know that because of them something valuable happened in our lives.

It is to acknowledge the effort that they’ve made for us and to appreciate them for it, to know that it’s not taken for granted.

Gratitude for others is an important part of the whole gratitude practice that maximizes the quality of our life and the joy of living it.

We are all so indebted to the people around us, and it’s our duty to tell them that we appreciate them for it.

Think about how many people have supported us, and brought us where we are. In every moment, we are supported by people. All those things around us, all the wisdom that we have, it is because of other people and nature.

There is colossal gratitude that we can feel for them. This realization hurls an ocean of humility in us, which in turn makes it easier and more natural to feel grateful.

Take a moment and look around, all that you see is the work of other people. Whatever we own was made and brought to us by people. 

No business can succeed if there are no customers. We all live in a society and we are all connected through gratitude.

So, if you want to tell someone that you’re grateful for them, go ahead. It is beautiful to do so.

Don’t worry about what they will think or how they’ll respond, this feeling is yours and as soon as you express it, your job is done. And, you know, more often than not, this will lead to something to be cherished.

Alright then! Let’s now look at some examples of how we can express appreciation to people in our lives.

Examples of how to say “I appreciate you”

Image with a card saying "I appreciate you"

Sometimes we’re at a loss of how exactly to tell someone that we appreciate them. There are many indirect ways to do so, but words are the most impactful medium of your gratitude most times.

Think about why you are grateful for someone, what have they done for you in your life, and how that makes you feel. 

  1. Focus on ‘What’ first – What do you want to appreciate them for?
  2. Then, talk about ‘Why’ – Why did it mean something to you? How did it help you? How did it make you feel?

There’s no need to worry about choosing the perfect words or being shy about your feelings. This is a wonderful gesture. And, since they did something nice for you, it’s only fair to do the same for them, isn’t it? 

Here are some examples of how you can say “I appreciate you” to someone. You will see that some examples are detailed and some are not. It depends on the situation and how you would want to express your feelings.

  1. I appreciate you for always being there, always. I don’t have much to give you except infinite love and gratitude.
  2. I appreciate you for understanding me and also giving me the advice that I need. I’ve always found your words helpful in times of need.
  3. I appreciate you for the way you listen to me.
  4. I appreciate you for the amazing food you make for us.
  5. I appreciate you for being who you are.
  6. I appreciate you for being a great figure to look up to. I feel secure under your guidance. And I know that with you, I will always be safe. I value you the most.
  7. I appreciate you for taking me out on drives. I am so fond of singing in the car with you and waving my hand out the window.

People you can say “I appreciate you” to

Here is a list of 15 people that you can appreciate for the ways that they help you. This is only scraping the surface of how many people we can be thankful for, but let’s start here:

  1. The person who makes you laugh hysterically and can lighten up your mood in a matter of minutes.
  2. Your caregiver who goes out of their way to provide you with what you need and loves you unconditionally.
  3. The person in your life that has pushed you to do more and go out of your comfort zone.
  4. The person you can call whenever you’re in a sticky situation. They’re always there to help you out.
  5. The person who, with just their presence and pure heart, has made you a better person and work over your faults.
  6. The most positive person you know. They’re always looking for the best in every situation and staying merry even when things are rough.
  7. Someone you feel most accepted with. You can be your truest self with them, and there are no filters present.
  8. Someone that you talk the most to. Words fly out of your mouth ceaselessly with them, and hours pass by without notice.
  9. The person who has been with you through the years and almost every struggle in your life.
  10. The person who inspires you greatly. You look up to them and take their example as a guiding light.
  11. The person that you meet the most often and might forget to appreciate.
  12. The person that you trust the most. You can confide in all your dark fears, insecurities, and problems to them.
  13. The person whose beautiful smile gives you immense joy.
  14. The person that you don’t know so well but appreciate a lot because of their wonderful personality.
  15. A friend that you haven’t caught up with for a long while but share evergreen memories with.

So, there you are! I hope you enjoyed reading this. To share your gratitude with others, writing gratitude letters is a great way to go about it. I encourage you to give it a shot! It’ll really make the other person feel special 🍀

Go on then, sprinkle the sparkle of gratitude on the people in your life, and make their day shine brighter with your words.

How to Say Thank You Meaningfully

How to think and what to say as we express gratitude.

Illustration of a hand giving a gift of thanks and the other hand accepting it

“At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” – Albert Schweitzer

This is going to be a fun post for me to write. As I’ve worked on The Attitude of Gratitude Course, how to say thank you meaningfully falls right up my alley.

In this post, I want to share a few tips on how to think before and as you express gratitude so that the feelings are genuine, eloquent, and make the person feel special. 

But, more importantly, I will be sharing the verbiage that you can use to get inspired from or use directly.

Expressing gratitude is a big part of the whole gratitude process. All of us interact with each other and support one another in that way. And, it’s an important aspect of building healthy relationships in all areas of life. When we appreciate people, they feel valued and happier.

You know, there are so many people that we can be grateful for as we open our eyes to how everything we have is possible because of the effort of so many people into creating it.

So, before we even say the words to express gratitude, let’s understand how we should feel about it.

The one common roadblock that I see and sometimes experience here is the fear of judgment or lack of sufficient response from the other person. Listen, it’s totally valid. 

We’re here showing humility and the softness of our hearts so it’s natural to feel protective of ourselves. But, this shouldn’t stop us from doing a wonderful thing. 

What we must realize is that this grateful feeling is ours and the other person has been kind to us. So we deserve to express how we feel, and they deserve to be appreciated for it. 

Not expressing gratitude because of their uncertain response is not right. Let’s open up doors for more cherishable moments for ourselves and others.

Another tip is not about how to express really, but how to realize that there are so many that we can be thankful for. It’s a technique called Gratitude Trail. This technique is a part of The Attitude of Gratitude Course. 

Here, we pause and reflect on how even the little, obvious things in our lives have been blessings created by people we don’t even know. 

For example, your mobile phone. It was ideated, designed, manufactured, packed, transported, and sold by so many different people! Even the apps on your phone have been the result of many other groups of people. And, we never think about them. 

Similarly, the food that we eat is the cumulative effort of so many. Where would we be without the collective effort, time, and energy of people around the world? We have a lot of people to be grateful for, it’s a beautiful truth.

How to say thank you meaningfully – What to say

Now, here are the various examples of how you can go about expressing your gratitude. These come from the Thank You Cards I write in the Gratitude app. Thousands of people send these cards to their loved ones from our app every day. Here we go:

“Thank you! For trying to make things easier for me. You help me out as much as you can and assure me that you’re always there. It really means a lot.”

A thank you card

“Thank you! For being a beacon of light in my times of confusion and sorrow. You are a gift to my life and this world.”

“Thank you! For standing up for me and being someone I can rely upon. I really trust you and it means the world to me that you’re always there to support me.”

“Thank you! For reminding me of what is important and what I truly deserve. I know I can count on you and it really helps me.”

“Thank you! For always being there, always. I don’t have much to give you except infinite love and gratitude. Thank you…”

A thank you card

“Thank you! For always having the patience to listen to me, even when I might be repeating many of the same worries. You give me space to be myself.”

“Thank you! For having the big heart to listen to my experiences and lessons. I told you things I never told anyone. I’m so grateful that I can trust you.”

“Thank you! For so many golden, evergreen memories. Really, becoming your friend is one of the best things that happened to me. I love you!”

“Thank you! For understanding me and also giving me the advice that I need. I’ve always found your words helpful in times of need.”

A thank you card

“Thank you! For being my movies and TV-series partner. I love planning binge runs with you. It’s one of my most favorite things to do!”

“Thank you! For being my most consistent friend. Maybe I can’t be sure of everything, but I know that we will always be friends.”

“Thank you! For having an open mind and never rejecting opinions. One grows with you. I learn how to become a wiser person with you.”

“Thank you! For being the light of my days. I become quite stressed and worried but when I’m with you, I take a sigh of relief and comfort.”

A thank you card

“Thank you! You make sure that you’re there for me. You give so much energy and time. I am so grateful for everything that you’ve done for me.”

“Thank you! For seeing the potential that you do in me. I feel so encouraged and confident because you believe in me.”

“Thank you! For being a great figure to look up to. I feel secure under your guidance. And I know that with you, I will always be safe. I value you the most.”

“Thank you! For understanding me and forgiving me on many accounts. I am doing better because of how kind and generous you are.”

“Thank you! For providing me with boundless love, care, and support. I know I can always rely on you. It’s a priceless gift.”

A thank you card

“Thank you! For remembering everything! You remind me of important things and I never fall off track. Your memory is incredible.”

“Thank you! For taking me out on drives. I am so fond of singing in the car with you and waving my hand out the window. It’s beautiful…”

And, that’s it! I hope you found this post helpful and learned how to say thank you meaningfully. Expressing gratitude is like a flowing river that makes the soil of humility fertile for more and more flowers of joy. I hope you always have people thank and appreciate. Take care 🙂


60+ Sincere Ways to Say Thank You for The Birthday Wishes

Find the right words to say thanks!

Image with illustration of a person celebrating

Birthdays are so special. It’s a day especially to celebrate you and your life. I always have this tingly feeling in my chest on my birthday and a slight shyness too as I know (and expect) the attention on me.

It’s so lovely to receive calls and messages from the people who love and care for you. But amidst all this celebration and frenzy, it can be a bit difficult to find time to reply to everyone wholeheartedly.

So, to help you get back to the wonderful people in your life with messages that they deserve, here are 60+ thank you for the birthday wishes messages:

Thank You for The Birthday Wishes

Thank You for The Birthday Wishes for Groups

  1. To all my wonderful friends and family, your birthday wishes made my day brighter and my heart lighter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
  2. Your heartfelt birthday messages were the best gift I could have asked for. Thank you for making me feel so special.
  3. Feeling truly blessed to have friends like you who remembered my birthday. Your wishes mean the world to me!
  4. My heart is overflowing with gratitude for all the birthday love. Thank you for making me feel so loved and cherished.
  5. Your birthday wishes brought a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. Thank you for your kindness!
  6. Your heartfelt birthday greetings are treasures I will cherish forever. Thank you for making me feel so loved.
  7. I’m so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family who took the time to wish me a happy birthday with so much love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  8. I’m so touched by the outpouring of love and affection on my birthday. Thanks a million for making it unforgettable!
  9. Every birthday wish I received was like a beautiful candle, lighting up my day. Thank you for making it shine!
  10. Birthdays are made better with friends like you. Your wishes added so much happiness to my special day. Thank you!
  11. I’m beyond grateful for the love and affection you all showed me on my birthday. Thank you for making it amazing!
  12. I’m grateful to each and every one of you for the beautiful birthday wishes. You made my day so much more beautiful!
  13. I’m humbled by your kind words and thoughtful wishes. Thank you for making my birthday incredibly special.
  14. Your birthday messages made me feel so loved and cherished. Thank you for being such a wonderful part of my life.
  15. Feeling happily overwhelmed by the love and kindness I received on my birthday. Thank you for making it truly memorable.
  16. Your warm birthday wishes were the best gift I could have asked for. Thank you for making my day so wonderful.
  17. I’m so thankful for the beautiful messages that filled my heart with happiness on my birthday. You all are amazing!
  18. I’m grateful for the love and warmth you brought into my life on my birthday. Your wishes touched my heart deeply.
  19. Your birthday messages were like rays of warm sunshine. Thank you for brightening my special day.
  20. My heart is filled with gratitude for my wonderful friends and family who made my birthday unforgettable. Thank you!
  21. I’m so thankful to have friends like you who make birthdays a joyful celebration. Your wishes meant the world to me.
  22. Your birthday greetings were the best part of my day. Thank you for showering me with love and friendship.
  23. I can’t express how thankful I am for your warm and heartfelt birthday wishes. You made my day incredibly special.
  24. Your wishes added a sprinkle of magic to my birthday. Thank you for making it a day to remember!
  25. I feel blessed to have you all in my life. Your birthday wishes made me feel incredibly loved and cherished.
  26. Your kind words and loving wishes are the best gifts I received on my birthday. Thank you for your generous love and thoughtfulness.
  27. Your wonderful birthday messages were the highlight of my day. Thank you for bringing so much happiness into my life.
  28. I’m grateful for the beautiful souls who remembered my birthday and filled my heart with love. Thank you!
  29. To each and every one of you who took the time to wish me a happy birthday, I want you to know that your warm wishes made my day shine even brighter. Thank you from the depths of my heart!
  30. From the bottom of my heart, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all my incredible friends and family. Your birthday wishes added so much joy to my special day and made my heart feel lighter. Thank you for your love and kindness!

Thank You For The Birthday Wishes For Individuals

  1. I wanted to let you know how much your birthday wishes meant to me. You brought a huge smile to my face. Let’s catch up soon and celebrate properly!
  2. Your heartfelt birthday wishes meant the world to me. Thank you for making my day so special!
  3. Hey there! Your birthday messages were like little bursts of happiness. Thank you for brightening my day.
  4. Your thoughtful birthday wishes meant the world to me. Thank you for making my day so special.
  5. Hey, your birthday wishes were the best gift I received. Thanks for making my day so fantastic.
  6. Your thoughtful birthday wishes meant the world to me. Thank you for making my day so special. Let’s plan something fun soon!
  7. Your warm wishes made my day extra special. Thank you for being a part of my birthday joy!
  8. Your heartfelt birthday greetings were the highlight of my day. Thanks for bringing so much joy to my celebration.
  9. Thanks a ton for remembering my birthday and for your heartfelt wishes. You made me feel truly appreciated.
  10. Your birthday wishes were the icing on the cake of my special day. Thanks for sweetening my birthday with your love.
  11. I’m so grateful for your warm birthday wishes. You made my day brighter. Let’s plan a get-together soon and create more happy memories!

Short Thank You For The Birthday Wishes

  1. Thanks a million for the amazing birthday wishes!
  2. You made my day brighter. Thank you!
  3. Your wishes made my day!
  4. Thank you for the birthday love!
  5. A heartfelt thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes!
  6. Thank you for making my birthday even more special with your wishes!
  7. Your birthday wishes warmed my heart. Thank you!
  8. Feeling blessed and thankful for your kind birthday wishes!
  9. I’m grateful for the love and good wishes on my birthday. Thank you!
  10. Your thoughtfulness made my birthday unforgettable. Thank you!
  11. Thanks for the birthday love and warm wishes!
  12. I appreciate your birthday greetings. Thank you for making my day!
  13. Your wishes added so much joy to my birthday. Thank you!
  14. A big thank you for the lovely birthday wishes!
  15. Feeling loved and grateful for your birthday messages. Thank you!
  16. Thanks for the heartfelt birthday wishes. You made my day special!
  17. Your kind words on my birthday mean the world to me. Thank you!
  18. I’m touched by your thoughtfulness. Thank you for the birthday wishes!
  19. Your birthday wishes made me smile. Thank you for the love!
  20. Thanks for making my birthday memorable with your warm wishes!

50+ Heartfelt Happy Mother’s Day Wishes & Messages

To your favorite woman in the world!

Image with illustration of a mother holding her baby

Mother’s Day! What a special occasion for the most sacred relationship we experience in our lives. One day is surely not enough to celebrate the power and boundless devotion of mothers, but at least it’s something! And we must make the best of it!

I do want to mention that yes, not everyone is blessed with a mother who loves and cares for them wholeheartedly. Some people have troubled relationships with their mothers, some never meet their biological mothers, some lost their mothers, and some mothers just don’t inspire a lot of appreciation. In some shape or form, we do desire and look for a motherly figure in our lives still. Maybe an aunt, a teacher, a relative, a nurse, the father, a sister, or anyone who is quite powerfully kind and caring towards us.

The lucky ones like me have got to be grateful for this irreplaceable and insurmountable gift that having a loving mother is. Do whatever you can for her. Think about her needs and what you can do to make her life easier. Mothers do so much for us and ask of nothing in return, but we must open up our eyes and love her so she feel loved and cared for. Do what you know she will appreciate. Don’t take the shortcut. In fact, these messages are here to inspire you and start the message you should write particularly for her. She deserves this and so much more!

Today, celebrate Mother’s Day for the person who, with their tender love, support, dedication, unending care, and guidance, made a lasting impression on your heart and your life. For your mother and/or your mother figure(s). Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day Messages

  1. Happy Mother’s Day Mum! Thank you for giving me life and making me who I am. Nothing can ever come close to the love and effort you’ve put into me life. I love you! I pray for your health and happiness forever.
  2. Happy Mother’s Day to the most incredible mom in the whole wide world! Your love has shaped me into who I am today, and I’m forever grateful for everything you’ve done for me.
  3. Mom, your love is the guiding light that has led me through life’s ups and downs. Thank you for being my rock and my source of strength in every moment. Happy Mother’s Day!
  4. On this Mother’s Day, I want to express my deepest gratitude to you, Mom. Your boundless love and support means the world to me. I love you more than words can ever say.
  5. To my wonderful mom, Happy Mother’s Day! Your love has been my anchor through life as it always will be. I am blessed beyond measure to be your child.
  6. Mom, you are my biggest cheerleader, my confidante, and my best friend. Thank you for always believing in me. Happy Mother’s Day!”
  7. Wishing the happiest Mother’s Day to the angel who has given me everything. I will never take your sacrifices and selflessness for granted. I love you, Mom!
  8. Mom, your love is the most precious gift I’ve ever received. Thank you for being my constant source of love and encouragement. Happy Mother’s Day!
  9. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! Your unconditional love and devotion have shaped me into the person I am today. I am forever grateful for you.
  10. Mom, you are my hero and my role model. Your strength and resilience inspire me every day. Wishing you a Mother’s Day filled with love and joy!
  11. Mom, you are the epitome of grace, strength, and unconditional love. Thank you for being my guiding light. Happy Mother’s Day!
  12. Wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who has given me everything and more. Being your child has been the greatest gift of all.
  13. On this special day, I want to thank you, Mom, for your endless love, sacrifices, and wisdom. You are an angel and I want you to enjoy your life. Happy Mother’s Day!
  14. To my amazing mom, Happy Mother’s Day! Your love has been the foundation of my life, and I am forever grateful for you
  15. Mom, your love has been my guiding light through every storm. Thank you for being my rock. Happy Mother’s Day!
  16. Wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to the strongest, most compassionate woman I know. Thank you for being my everything, Mom.”
  17. Mom, your love has shaped me into the person I am today. Thank you for your unwavering support and guidance. Happy Mother’s Day!
  18. Mom, your love is the most precious gift that I cherish every day. Thank you for being my source of love and inspiration. Happy Mother’s Day!
  19. Mom, your love knows no bounds, and your strength knows no limits. Thank you for being my superhero. Happy Mother’s Day!
  20. Wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to the most loving, caring, and beautiful soul I know. Thank you for being my mom and doing everything to give me a good life.
  21. To my incredible mom, Happy Mother’s Day! Your love has been the cornerstone of my life, and I am forever grateful for you.
  22. You tolerated me at my worst and loved me into becoming my best. No one can ever be like you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Happy Mother’s Day!
  23. Mom, your love has been the greatest blessing in my life. Thank you for everything you do. Happy Mother’s Day!
  24. Wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who has given me unconditional love and unwavering support all my life. I love you more than words can express, Mom.
  25. Wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who has shaped me into the person I am today. Your love is my greatest treasure, Mom.
  26. To the world’s greatest mom, Happy Mother’s Day! Your love has been my greatest comfort in the dark and my deepest joy every day.
  27. To the woman who has shaped my world with love, kindness, and grace, Happy Mother’s Day!
  28. Mom, your love has been my guiding light through every challenge and triumph. Thank you for your endless support and encouragement. Happy Mother’s Day!
  29. Wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who has filled my life with love, laughter, and cherished memories. Your love is a treasure beyond measure, and I am so grateful for you.
  30. Mom, your love has been the anchor that has kept me grounded through life’s storms. Thank you for your unwavering support and your endless love. Happy Mother’s Day!
  31. To the world’s greatest mom: Happy Mother’s Day!
  32. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! You mean the world to me.
  33. Thank you for being my guiding light. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!
  34. Mom, your love is my greatest gift. Happy Mother’s Day!
  35. Mom, your love lights up my life. Happy Mother’s Day!
  36. Mom, you’re a true blessing. Happy Mother’s Day!
  37. With love on Mother’s Day, from your biggest fan.
  38. To my amazing mom, Happy Mother’s Day! You’re the best!
  39. Mom, you’re my greatest inspiration. Happy Mother’s Day!
  40. Happy Mother’s Day to the most amazing mom in the world! Your love, strength, and unwavering support have been the guiding lights in my life. I am endlessly grateful for the countless sacrifices you’ve made and the boundless love you’ve given. You are my rock, my inspiration, and my greatest blessing. Today, and every day, I celebrate you and all that you are. Thank you for being the incredible woman that you are.
  41. Mom, on this Mother’s Day, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your love, your wisdom, and your unwavering support. You’ve been my rock, my anchor, and my greatest source of strength. You’ve taught me how to navigate life’s storms with courage and grace, and you’ve shown me what it means to love unconditionally. Your sacrifices never went unnoticed, and your love will forever be appreciated. 
  42. Today, I want to honor you and all that you’ve done for me. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. I love you more than words can express
  43. u’ve been there for me through every triumph and every challenge, offering your unconditional support and encouragement. Your strength and resilience have been a source of inspiration to me, and your love has been a constant source of comfort and joy. Today, I celebrate you and all that you are. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. Thank you for being my rock, my inspiration, and my greatest blessing.
  44. To my incredible mom, on this special day, I want to take a moment to thank you for all the love, support, and guidance you’ve given me over each day of my life. I cannot imagine my life without you because I literally wouldn’t exist! I love you, Mum! Thank you for loving me.
  45. To my creator, my caretaker, and my cutest angel, Happy Mother’s Day! You are the best Mummy I could have asked for. I got so incredibly lucky!
  46. I pray every morning for you to be healthy and happy. You are the greatest blessing of my life and I am grateful for you in every moment. Thank you fo being my life giver and life saver. I love you! Happy Mother’s Day!
  47. You are the mother children would pray for to every shooting star they’d see and I got you without a hint of an effort. On my sad days, I remind myself that the best thing in my life happened before I was even born, that I got you as my Mom. Thank you for all the love, care, attention, worry, lessons, learnings you have given me all my life. You made me and then you made me who I am. Thank you… Happy Mother’s Day!
  48. Mom, on this blessed day, I want to express my gratitude for all the love and support you’ve given me. Happy Mother’s Day! You truly deserve all the happiness in the world!
  49. Mom, you’re the heart and soul of our family. Thank you for all the love and care you shower on us every day. Happy Mother’s Day!
  50. Happy Mother’s Day to my guardian angel in human form. Thank you for believing in me and encouraging me to chase my dreams. I want to be there for you forever!
  51. Mom, you’ve taught me the true meaning of love and compassion. Thank you for being the most amazing mother anyone could ask for. Happy Mother’s Day
  52. Mom, your love is the greatest gift I’ve ever received. Thank you for always being there for me. Happy Mother’s Day!
  53. Wishing you a Mother’s Day filled with love, laughter, and all the happiness you deserve. Thank you for being such an amazing mom!

70+ Happy Father’s Day Wishes for Your Ultimate Hero

Let’s appreciate and cherish the Dads of the world.

Image with illustration of the silhouette of a father

Fathers are special. They are irreplaceable. They are infinite. They are the first and strongest source of security and comfort that we have in our lives. Good fathers are such a fundamental part of a child’s happiness and faith in life.

Fathers are funny, they are fun, they are wise, they are cute, they are reliable, they are role models. I love my father to death and I feel fortunate to have such wonderful parents, both Mum and Papa. My Papa is super funny and really adores me. It’s something that I should be grateful for more often and so this post.

I hope Father’s Day can have as much importance as Mother’s Day and our fathers can feel as cherished and loved as they deserve. Here’s to all the wonderful fathers, on earth and in heaven, you made life beautiful. These Father’s Day wishes are perfect to light up a smile on your old man’s face and let him know how much he matters to you:

Happy Father’s Day Wishes

  1. Happy Father’s Day to the best father in the world. Thank you for being everything I needed and need. You put up with me in the worst of times and still loved me. I cherish you.
  2. Dad, you are my greatest role model and source of security. You have given me everything you possibly could and I can never express enough gratitude for it. Happy Father’s Day! I wish you all the happiness in the world.
  3. Dad, your wisdom and love have been a constant source of comfort and strength for me. Wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day!
  4. You are my hero and my inspiration. Thank you for always standing by my side. Happy Father’s Day!
  5. Happy Father’s Day to the most amazing dad. Your love and support mean everything to me. I am so lucky to have you.
  6. Wishing a Happy Father’s Day to my incredible dad. Your love, humor, and guidance have shaped my life in so many ways. I am forever grateful.
  7. Dad, you have always been my rock and my source of strength. Thank you for your unwavering love. Happy Father’s Day!
  8. Happy Father’s Day to the most loving and supportive dad. Your belief in me has been my greatest motivation. Thank you for everything.
  9. To my wonderful dad, Happy Father’s Day! Thank you for all the sacrifices you’ve made and the love you’ve given. I cherish you more than you know.
  10. Dad, you are my hero and my biggest supporter. Thank you for always being there for me. Happy Father’s Day
  11. Wishing a very Happy Father’s Day to my incredible dad. Thank you for your endless love and support. You mean the world to me.
  12. Dad, your wisdom, love, and laughter have been a guiding light in my life. I am so grateful for everything you do. Happy Father’s Day!
  13. To the best father in the world, Happy Father’s Day! You have shaped me into who I am today. I cherish every moment with you.
  14. Dad, you have always been my rock and my guide. Wishing you the happiest Father’s Day!
  15. Happy Father’s Day to the most amazing dad. You’ve always been there for me, through thick and thin. I love you more than I could ever express.
  16. Dad, you’ve always been my go-to person for advice and support. Thank you for always being there with your wisdom and love. Happy Father’s Day!
  17. Papa, you are the most wonderful human being in the world with the purest heart and soul. I am so lucky to have you as my father. Thank you for everything you did and continue to do for me. I love you. Happy Father’s Day!
  18. Happy Father’s Day to the greatest dad ever. I am proud of you and celebrate you every day.
  19. Dearest Dad, your love and encouragement means everything to me. Wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day!
  20. Happy Father’s Day Dad! Your love, care, concern, effort, and attention for me, my happiness, my health, and the things I like are the greatest blessings of my life. I love you so much!
  21. To the most wonderful dad, Happy Father’s Day! Your guidance and care have shaped my life in the best possible way. I am always grateful for you.
  22. Happy Father’s Day to the most supportive dad. Your love and encouragement have given me the strength to pursue my dreams. Thank you!
  23. Dad, you are my inspiration and my protector. Your love and wisdom have guided me through life. Wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day!
  24. Thank you Dad for lifting me up when I was down, forgiving me when I messed up, and understanding me when no one else did. You are my hero. Happy Father’s Day!
  25. To the best dad in the world, Happy Father’s Day! Your patience and care have taught me so much. I am forever grateful for you.
  26. Dad, your love and guidance have been my anchor in life. Thank you for always being there for me. Happy Father’s Day!
  27. Wishing a very Happy Father’s Day to my wonderful dad. Your belief in me has been my greatest motivation. I cherish you more than you know.
  28. Happy Father’s Day to the most amazing dad. Thank you for always being there.
  29. Happy Father’s Day, Dad! Your kindness and generosity have inspired me to be the best version of myself. Thank you for everything.
  30. Dad, your support and understanding have helped me through so many challenges. Thank you for being my rock. Happy Father’s Day!
  31. Happy Father’s Day to the most wonderful dad. I cherish you every day.
  32. This Father’s Day, I want you to know that you are the most important person in my life. You are the brightest light in my life, the sun in my sky. Thank you for everything, Dad.
  33. Happy Father’s Day Dad! Thank you for being the greatest parent one could ask for.
  34. Happy Father’s Day Dad! You are the strongest, most optimistic, and sweetest person in the whole world.
  35. Happy Father’s Day Dad! Thank you for giving me everything. I hope to make you proud and give you everything good in the world.
  36. You are the brightest star in all the galaxies, the anchor of my life. Happy Dad’s Day Dad! Stay shining!
  37. This world is so much more comforting, safer, and happier because I know you are here with me. Happy Father’s Day Papa!

Short Happy Father’s Day Wishes

  1. Dad, you’re my guiding light. Happy Father’s Day!
  2. You light up my world, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  3. Thank you for being my rock, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  4. You’re the sun in my sky. Love you, Dad!
  5. Happy Father’s Day to my shining star!
  6. Dad, you’re my everything. Happy Father’s Day!
  7. You mean the world to me, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  8. Thank you for everything, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  9. You brighten my life, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  10. Dad, you’re my hero. Happy Father’s Day!
  11. You’re the best, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  12. Love you, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  13. You’re my inspiration, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  14. Thanks for all you do, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  15. You’re my sunshine, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  16. Dad, you’re my everything. Happy Father’s Day!
  17. You’re my light, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  18. Thank you for your love, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  19. Dad, you’re my anchor. Happy Father’s Day!
  20. You’re my guiding star, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  21. You’re my strength, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  22. Dad, you’re my world. Happy Father’s Day!
  23. Thank you for being you, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  24. You’re my hero, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  25. You light up my life, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  26. Happy Father’s Day to my amazing dad!
  27. You’re my role model, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  28. Thank you for everything, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  29. You’re my greatest gift, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  30. Love you always, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
  31. Happy Father’s Day to the funniest man in the world.
  32. Thank you for always making me laugh, Dad. You’re the best!
  33. You have the most contagious laugh in the world. Happy Father’s Day!
  34. Happy Father’s Day Dad! Thank you for being my comfort and my confidant.
  35. Happy Father’s Day Dad! You make my life beautiful.

70+ Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection

Here are 70+ journal prompts and ideas to help you self-reflect and introspect to understand yourself better.

A man sitting on a chair, reading his journal to self-reflect

Let’s spend some time self-reflecting today.

Here is a list of 70+ journal prompts and ideas to help you introspect and discover yourself.

Writing is an effective way to become more aware of ourselves and these prompts will give you direction in this process.

Bonus! Download this free Printable Gratitude Weekly Worksheet that has prompts for a whole week that you can keep reusing to upscale your gratitude practice.

Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection

  1. What makes you feel calm?
  2. What makes you feel in control?
  3. What makes you feel powerful?
  4. How do you encourage yourself when you’re trying something new?
  5. How do you stay focused and steer clear of distractions?
  6. How do you savor the time you get alone?
  7. How do you swap envy for joy when other people accomplish things?
  8. How do you set boundaries and avoid absorbing someone else’s emotions and stress?
  9. How do you trust yourself to make big decisions?
  10. How do you forgive yourself when you make a mistake?
  11. How do you advocate for yourself?
  12. How do you make the time you spend with people more intentional?
  13. What new opportunities have come out of the challenges you’ve faced?
  14. How do you embrace your authentic self, even if it looks different from what others expect?
  15. How do you remind yourself that you’re enough?
  16. How do you calm your nerves in a difficult situation?
  17. When do you feel happiest in your skin?
  18. If you were stranded on a desert island, what are the one thing and the one person you would choose to have with you and why?
  19. If you could relive an experience in your life, what would it be?
  20. What does growing older mean to you?
  21. How do you handle a bad day?
  22. Are you a city, a country, or a beach person?
  23. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? How has it shaped your life?
  24. What are your top life hacks?
  25. If you had a theme song, what would it be?
  26. How does it feel to be the age you currently are?
  27. Write about a book, movie, or song that has made a huge impact on you.
  28. What is your earliest childhood memory?
  29. What do you wish others knew about you?
  30. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
  31. Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction? Why?
  32. Describe your dream life.
  33. What do you struggle to love most about yourself? What can you do to begin to love that part of yourself?
  34. What are the five things that you currently accept about yourself?
  35. What are you holding onto that you need to forgive yourself for?
  36. What do you judge yourself for? How can you let go of that judgment?
  37. What are your talents?
  38. What is one thing you can do today that will make you feel great?
  39. What clothes do you love wearing and feel good in?
  40. What do you love about your mind?
  41. What do you love about your body?
  42. What do you love about your personality?
  43. What are the 5 things that your past self would love about your current self?
  44. What is a challenge that you have overcome?
  45. What makes you unique? How can you use this uniqueness more in your life?
  46. What would you do today if you loved yourself?
  47. What’s a commitment you can make to yourself to love yourself every day?
  48. What did you love to do as a child? How can you bring more of that into your life?
  49. How do you treat people that you love? How can you treat yourself the same way?
  50. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
  51. What natural gift would you most like to possess?
  52. If you were given $1 million that you had to spend on yourself within a year, how would you spend it?
  53. How do you define love?
  54. Write about a person you admire. What qualities do you share with this person?
  55. What scares you?
  56. What would you like to do more of?
  57. What would you prefer to do less of?
  58. How have you grown in the past two years?
  59. How would you like to be remembered?
  60. What makes you feel most energized?
  61. What has caused you happiness and joy this week?
  62. What is the one thing that you want to go back in time and change?
  63. What frustrates you the most?
  64. What will that one message or letter that you wish to give to your childhood self?
  65. What’s your favorite self-care activity?
  66. How will someone closest to you describe you?
  67. When was the last time you helped someone? What did you do?
  68. Which dream of yours do you wish to come true?
  69. If you win a lottery today (a big one) where would you invest it?
  70. Think of the happiest moment in your life and reflect on it.
  71. What is your most treasured possession and why?
  72. Name one moment that you are truly proud of. Why are you so proud of it?
  73. What are you most grateful for?

And, that’s all! Have a wonderful journaling time! It’s going to help you a lot through life. I wish you the best 🙂 


50 Insightful Self-Love Journal Prompts

Here is a list of 50 journal prompts to help us understand ourselves and make life decisions true to us.

This is an image with a smiling person's face with a heart behind

In this post, let’s look at 50 self-love and self-improvement journal prompts to learn about ourselves and develop our lives and personalities the way we want them to be.

Writing is a useful personal growth activity, a way to self-reflect and understand ourselves. 

I remember when I had finished school, I did this self-discovery activity of asking myself deep questions to help me make decisions and choices that would be in tune with what I wanted my life to be and to figure it out before anything. 

I am so grateful I did that and I encourage everyone to do the same.

Take some time out, be in a comfortable place, away from disturbance and distractions, and get to know yourself better.

Self Love Journal Prompts

  1. Who do you look up to the most? Why?
  2. What does happiness mean to you?
  3. What do you need more of in your life?
  4. What are my best qualities?
  5. How did your darkest moments shape you into who you are today?
  6. When do you feel the most at peace?
  7. What fears hold you back from living your best life?
  8. How can you take better care of yourself?
  9. If you couldn’t fail, what would you do?
  10. How can you feel more fulfilled in your life?
  11. If you could give advice to your younger self, what would you say?
  12. What limiting beliefs do you have that are keeping you from reaching your dream life?
  13. How would your best day go?
  14. What’s your biggest insecurity? What would life look like if you let it go?
  15. I couldn’t imagine living without…
  16. Make a list of 30 things that make you smile.
  17. If I could talk to my teenage self, the one thing I would say is…
  18. What does unconditional love look like for you?
  19. What do you love about life?
  20. What always brings tears to your eyes?
  21. What can you learn from your biggest mistakes?
  22. Write the words you need to hear.
  23. How do you feel about your body?
  24. What is the habit that you keep for the longest time?
  25. Describe a life-changing moment.
  26. How will you describe yourself to a complete stranger?
  27. What keeps you awake at night?
  28. If you meet a friend that you haven’t seen in 10 years, how will you tell him/her about your life right now?
  29. Describe your happiest day in childhood. Write about a change that makes your life better.
  30. What is the greatest life lesson you’ve learned?
  31. How do you make decisions? By heart or with logical analysis?
  32. When do I feel most confident in myself, and when do I feel the least confident in myself?
  33. How do you deal with anger?
  34. Do you want to live forever? Why?
  35. Describe something that makes you proud.
  36. What makes you lose track of the time?
  37. Given enough time, where will you go and what will you do there?
  38. What is the skill you have that comes as a surprise to others?
  39. Write about an experience when you stood up for someone else.
  40. What cheers you up on a bad day?
  41. Allow yourself to think about what your ideal life would look like, and then write it all down.
  42. Write about a moment when you felt brave.
  43. What habits, memories, relationships, etc. are you holding onto that are keeping you from improving yourself?
  44. What is keeping you from your dream?
  45. How do you tell if someone can be your friend?
  46. How would you describe your soulmate?
  47. Are you comfortable being alone?
  48. How do you want to be remembered?
  49. What difference do you want to make in the world?
  50. What changes do you want to see in your life in five years?
  51. Write self-love affirmations for yourself.


70+ Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection

Here are 70+ journal prompts and ideas to help you self-reflect and introspect to understand yourself better.

A man sitting on a chair, reading his journal to self-reflect

Let’s spend some time self-reflecting today.

Here is a list of 70+ journal prompts and ideas to help you introspect and discover yourself.

Writing is an effective way to become more aware of ourselves and these prompts will give you direction in this process.

Bonus! Download this free Printable Gratitude Weekly Worksheet that has prompts for a whole week that you can keep reusing to upscale your gratitude practice.

Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection

  1. What makes you feel calm?
  2. What makes you feel in control?
  3. What makes you feel powerful?
  4. How do you encourage yourself when you’re trying something new?
  5. How do you stay focused and steer clear of distractions?
  6. How do you savor the time you get alone?
  7. How do you swap envy for joy when other people accomplish things?
  8. How do you set boundaries and avoid absorbing someone else’s emotions and stress?
  9. How do you trust yourself to make big decisions?
  10. How do you forgive yourself when you make a mistake?
  11. How do you advocate for yourself?
  12. How do you make the time you spend with people more intentional?
  13. What new opportunities have come out of the challenges you’ve faced?
  14. How do you embrace your authentic self, even if it looks different from what others expect?
  15. How do you remind yourself that you’re enough?
  16. How do you calm your nerves in a difficult situation?
  17. When do you feel happiest in your skin?
  18. If you were stranded on a desert island, what are the one thing and the one person you would choose to have with you and why?
  19. If you could relive an experience in your life, what would it be?
  20. What does growing older mean to you?
  21. How do you handle a bad day?
  22. Are you a city, a country, or a beach person?
  23. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? How has it shaped your life?
  24. What are your top life hacks?
  25. If you had a theme song, what would it be?
  26. How does it feel to be the age you currently are?
  27. Write about a book, movie, or song that has made a huge impact on you.
  28. What is your earliest childhood memory?
  29. What do you wish others knew about you?
  30. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
  31. Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction? Why?
  32. Describe your dream life.
  33. What do you struggle to love most about yourself? What can you do to begin to love that part of yourself?
  34. What are the five things that you currently accept about yourself?
  35. What are you holding onto that you need to forgive yourself for?
  36. What do you judge yourself for? How can you let go of that judgment?
  37. What are your talents?
  38. What is one thing you can do today that will make you feel great?
  39. What clothes do you love wearing and feel good in?
  40. What do you love about your mind?
  41. What do you love about your body?
  42. What do you love about your personality?
  43. What are the 5 things that your past self would love about your current self?
  44. What is a challenge that you have overcome?
  45. What makes you unique? How can you use this uniqueness more in your life?
  46. What would you do today if you loved yourself?
  47. What’s a commitment you can make to yourself to love yourself every day?
  48. What did you love to do as a child? How can you bring more of that into your life?
  49. How do you treat people that you love? How can you treat yourself the same way?
  50. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
  51. What natural gift would you most like to possess?
  52. If you were given $1 million that you had to spend on yourself within a year, how would you spend it?
  53. How do you define love?
  54. Write about a person you admire. What qualities do you share with this person?
  55. What scares you?
  56. What would you like to do more of?
  57. What would you prefer to do less of?
  58. How have you grown in the past two years?
  59. How would you like to be remembered?
  60. What makes you feel most energized?
  61. What has caused you happiness and joy this week?
  62. What is the one thing that you want to go back in time and change?
  63. What frustrates you the most?
  64. What will that one message or letter that you wish to give to your childhood self?
  65. What’s your favorite self-care activity?
  66. How will someone closest to you describe you?
  67. When was the last time you helped someone? What did you do?
  68. Which dream of yours do you wish to come true?
  69. If you win a lottery today (a big one) where would you invest it?
  70. Think of the happiest moment in your life and reflect on it.
  71. What is your most treasured possession and why?
  72. Name one moment that you are truly proud of. Why are you so proud of it?
  73. What are you most grateful for?

And, that’s all! Have a wonderful journaling time! It’s going to help you a lot through life. I wish you the best 🙂 


Root Chakra Affirmations for Healing

  1. My body always takes care of me.
  2. My body is my home, and I pledge to always build it up and never tear it down.
  3. My body is a safe home for my radiant spirit.
  4. Every cell of my body supports my total wellbeing.
  5. I am healthy, well, and strong.
  6. I am filled with radiant energy and endless vitality.
  7. I wake up every day feeling strong, energized, and empowered.
  8. As the sun rises, so does my energy.
  9. I am one with my true self.
  10. I feel secure in my place in life.
  11. I inhale trust and exhale fear.
  12. I inhale peace and exhale anything that no longer serves me.
  13. I am always supported and protected.
  14. I feel peaceful, grounded, and secure.
  15. Like a tree, I am rooted firmly to the earth.
  16. I am grateful to know that I am always deeply loved and supported by this Universe.
  17. I deeply appreciate my ability to remain calm and peaceful in all situations.
  18. I am grateful for the abundance of strength that radiates throughout my entire body.
  19. I build my life on the foundation of faith, peace, love, and trust.
  20. I am whole and complete, exactly as I am.
  21. I am healthy and vibrant.
  22. I am deeply and safely connected to my body and the Earth.
  23. I feel the ground firmly beneath my feet.
  24. I honor the temple of my body with deep care and reverence.
  25. I’m open to life’s opportunities.
  26. I am committed to fulfilling my life’s purpose.
  27. I am financially secure.
  28. I’m always provided for.
  29. I am taken care of.
  30. I am stable.
  31. I am loved.
  32. I am confident.
  33. I am strong.
  34. I am nourished.
  35. I am protected.
  36. I am successful.
  37. I am in control.
  38. I am awake.
  39. I am wealthy
  40. The Earth supports and nourishes me.
  41. I am deeply connected to the natural world.
  42. All is well.
  43. I stand tall on my ancestors’ shoulders.
  44. I have the strength to create a wonderful life.
  45. I have the courage and power to create a beautiful world.
  46. I love my life and enjoy it.
  47. I am stable-minded.
  48. I trust myself, the Earth, and the Universe.
  49. I am grateful for the guidance I receive from nature.
  50. I am strongly rooted in the Earth.


100 Root Chakra Affirmations To Ground Yourself

Keep yourself grounded, stable, and strong with these root chakra affirmations.

Image showing root chakra (Muladhara) sign
Source – CanStockPhoto

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in the body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each relate to certain nerve bundles and major organs. 

There are 7 chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown). Today we will focus on Root Chakra (also called Muladhara) Affirmations

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, and provides us with a base or foundation for life, helping us feel grounded, able to withstand challenges, and more resilient. The root chakra is responsible for our sense of security and stability.

Image showing 7 chakras in the human body (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown)
Sacral Chakras in the human body (Source – Healthline)

Root Chakra Affirmations


Listen to more such affirmations on Gratitude app 

  1. I am connected and grounded through the earth.
  2. I am grateful.
  3. I am abundant.
  4. I am peaceful with the material world in which I live.
  5. I have a healthy body.
  6. I am worthy of respect.
  7. I am independent.
  8. The universe will always provide.
  9. At this moment I am stable and grounded.
  10. I am confident.
  11. I belong.
  12. I withstand the obstacles of life, as I remove what no longer serves me.
  13. I trust in the process of life.
  14. I make good, healthy choices.
  15. I am proud of myself.
  16. My root chakra is balanced.
  17. I am safe and grounded.
  18. I feel protected in this world
  19. I am at home, wherever I am.
  20. All is well in my world.
  21. I deserve to be safe at all times.
  22. I have a right to be here.
  23. I am supported by Mother Earth.
  24. I am deeply rooted.
  25. I am connected to my body.
  26. I have everything I need.
  27. I nurture my body with what it needs to flourish.
  28. I trust in the good of the world.
  29. I release all my doubts and fears.
  30. With every breath, I release anxiety.
  31. I am at home in my body.
  32. I am supported by those around me.
  33. I am all I need to be happy.
  34. I am worthy of love and care.
  35. I choose to trust the universe to guide me.
  36. I am safe and secure.
  37. I am rooted in this present moment.
  38. I am strong, steady, and grounded.
  39. I have access to all the resources I need to survive and thrive.
  40. I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
  41. Everything I need comes to me at exactly the right place and time.
  42. I vibrate powerful, abundant, peaceful energy and attract this same energy in return.
  43. Deep inner peace is my natural state.
  44. Even when the world around me feels chaotic, I remain rooted firmly to the ground.
  45. All my needs are always met.
  46. I am exactly where I’m meant to be.
  47. It is right to be exactly as I am.
  48. It is right to be exactly where I am.
  49. I have everything I need.
  50. I feel safe in my body.

Sacral Chakra Affirmations for Emotions

  1. Unconditional joy is my birthright.
  2. I make space in my life for play.
  3. Play is a priority, not an option.
  4. It is right for me to choose joy, fun, and play in my daily life.
  5. I find new ways to express my creativity.
  6. I am connected to an endless source of innovation, inspiration, and creativity.
  7. I radiate passion and prosperity.
  8. I embrace life with vigor and passion.
  9. Limitless joy is my birthright.
  10. I deeply respect and honor my sacred body.
  11. My body is a work of art.
  12. My body is a masterpiece.
  13. I honor my own divine sensuality.
  14. I am a sensual and passionate being.
  15. I embrace intimacy with others.
  16. I honor my desires.
  17. I honor my sensuality.
  18. I honor my ability to express myself.
  19. My sexual energy is a blessing.
  20. I can only control my actions and that is enough.
  21. I am independent.
  22. I listen to my sacred body and give it what it needs.
  23. I am comfortable moving my body in ways that feel good to me.
  24. I am worthy of being desired.
  25. I am worthy and deserving of respect from myself and others.
  26. I am open, honest, forgiving, and compassionate.
  27. I am flexible, adaptable, and open to change.
  28. I know my self-worth, and I will not settle for less than I deserve.
  29. All that I am is in perfect harmony.
  30. I am a divine sexual being.


100 Sacral Chakra Affirmations for Creativity and Sensuality

Connect with your creativity, intuition, emotions, and sensuality with sacral chakra affirmations.

Illustration with symbol of sacral chakra (Svadhishthana)
Source – Wikipedia

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in the body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each relate to certain nerve bundles and major organs. 

There are 7 chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown). Today we will focus on Sacral Chakra (also called Svadhishthana) Affirmations

The sacral chakra is located just below the belly button and is connected to our creative and sexual energy. It is also linked to our connection with our intuition, emotions, and the emotions of the people around us.

💗 Connecting to our emotions and intuition is a part of self-love. If you’d like to get deeper into this, here is my FREE 21-day self-love course for you.

Image showing the seven chakras in the human body
Sacral Chakras in the human body (Source – Healthline)

Sacral Chakra Affirmations


Listen to more such affirmations on Gratitude app 

  1. Creative energy flows through me freely.
  2. I nurture myself emotionally and take full responsibility for my own happiness.
  3. My relationships are based on mutual respect and appreciation.
  4. I trust my loved ones, and they can trust me.
  5. Inspiration is always flowing to me, and I act on the great ideas I receive.
  6. It’s safe to get close to other people.
  7. I use social media as a tool to be uplifted and share positivity with others.
  8. I invite joy into my life.
  9. My parents are spiritual teachers who offer my soul a chance for growth.
  10. I allow others to be who they are.
  11. I’m healing old wounds from past relationships. I release trauma and keep the blessings.
  12. When I wake up I feel energized and eager to begin my day.
  13. Change is perfectly safe.
  14. I share the love with others and embrace intimacy.
  15. I give myself permission to release drama.
  16. I attract people who treat me with respect.
  17. I enjoy pleasure in all areas of my life.
  18. My emotions are free-flowing and balanced.
  19. I am a creative being.
  20. It is my birthright to receive pleasure.
  21. I honor the sacred body in which my soul resides.
  22. I welcome sensuality into my life.
  23. My intuitive senses are awakened.
  24. I embrace my vibrant sexuality.
  25. Creating art nourishes my soul and brings me joy.
  26. I am a lovable and desirable being.
  27. I am comfortable in my body and I treat it with care.
  28. I allow my creativity to flow through me freely.
  29. I receive pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.
  30. I let go of past feelings that no longer serve me.

💗 Embracing yourself is part of self-love. If you’d like to get deeper into this, here is my FREE 21-day self-love course for you.

Sacral Chakra Affirmations for Creativity & Sensuality

  1. I choose to feel joy and excitement often.
  2. I am spontaneous and I allow my intuition to guide me.
  3. I breathe in powerful golden light.
  4. I feel powerful in embracing my sexuality.
  5. My sexuality is sacred.
  6. My life gets better every day, as I learn to claim my inner peace.
  7. I take pride in being a good friend.
  8. The people in my life bring out the best in me, and I bring out the best in them.
  9. I accept help when I need it.
  10. I am fully engaged in my own life and create experiences that reflect my best self.
  11. My life is interesting, enriching, and fulfilling.
  12. I am living a pleasurable life.
  13. I am grateful for the joy of being me.
  14. I trust my feelings and give them ample room for expression.
  15. I celebrate my sexuality.
  16. I am honoring my body and treating myself respectfully.
  17. I am feeling complete peace from within
  18. It is my birthright to receive pleasure and have all my needs met.
  19. I am radiant, beautiful, creative, and enjoy a healthy and passionate life.
  20. I attract like-minded people who support and love me for who I am.
  21. I am open to the flow of creativity.
  22. I am creative, passionate, and inspired.
  23. I feel joyful, energetic, and alive.
  24. I am pure, positive energy.
  25. My emotions flow freely in a balanced and healthy way.
  26. I allow the flow of positive energy to effortlessly move through me.
  27. I am creative.
  28. I am at home in my body.
  29. My emotions are guides.
  30. My emotions are my teachers.
  31. My creativity is endless.
  32. My creativity is fluid.
  33. I am safe to express myself.
  34. It is safe to explore my sexuality.
  35. I deserve to be joyful.
  36. I live a creative, vibrant, passionate life.
  37. I am vibrating pure joy, abundance, and prosperity.
  38. Endless prosperity flows to and through me.
  39. I am cultivating a beautiful life free of stress, worries, or fear.
  40. I deserve absolute and unconditional bliss.


100 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for High Self-Esteem

Grow self-esteem, and confidence, and take control of your life into your hands with solar plexus chakra affirmations.

Illustration with solar plexus chakra symbol
Source – VectorStock

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in the body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each relate to certain nerve bundles and major organs. 

There are 7 chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown). Today we will focus on Solar Plexus Chakra (also called Manipura) Affirmations.

The position of the solar plexus chakra is best described as four fingerbreadths above the navel. It is connected to self-esteem, confidence, and how powerful or in control, you feel about your life.

💗 Being confident about yourself is a part of self-love. If you’d like to get deeper into this, here is my FREE 21-day self-love course for you.

Image showing the psotion of all 7 chakras in the human body
Sacral Chakras in the human body (Source – Healthline)

100 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations


Listen to more such affirmations on Gratitude app 

  1. I feel calm, confident, and powerful.
  2. I feel ready to face challenges.
  3. I feel motivated to pursue my purpose.
  4. I am ambitious and capable.
  5. forgive myself for past mistakes, and I learn from them.
  6. The only thing I need to control is how I respond to situations.
  7. I can create positive change in my life.
  8. I stand in my personal power.
  9. I am strong, powerful, and confident.
  10. I am aligned with my purpose.
  11. I am worthy just as I am.
  12. I wholeheartedly believe in myself.
  13. I confidently welcome new experiences.
  14. I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  15. I know my value and will not lessen or shrink myself for anything or anyone.
  16. I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.
  17. I am worthy of respect from myself and others.
  18. I am motivated, persistent, and successful.
  19. I am pure, positive energy.
  20. I hold the key to my own happiness.
  21. I love the person I am, both inside and out.
  22. I am perfect, whole, and complete.
  23. I can accomplish incredible things.
  24. I am content with my life in my heart and mind.
  25. I am kind to myself and my development.
  26. I am thankful for my unique qualities.
  27. I genuinely celebrate the success of others.
  28. I support my friends and loved ones who are doing well.
  29. Jealousy has no place in my heart or mind.
  30. I dismiss any thoughts that entertain feelings of comparison.
  31. I embrace my journey because it is uniquely designed just for me.
  32. I am beautiful, inside and out.
  33. I am important.
  34. I am worthy of love.
  35. I am worthy of happiness.
  36. I am worthy of success.
  37. I deserve to be paid well for my skills.
  38. I am supported in all I do in life.
  39. I have the power to create the life I want.
  40. I am beautiful, intelligent, fun, and full of life.
  41. I am a successful and happy person.
  42. People value my work, my time, and my love.
  43. I believe in myself.
  44. I am perfect just the way I am.
  45. I respect myself, and others appreciate me.
  46. The love I give myself is reflected in all areas of my life.
  47. There’s absolutely nothing out of my reach.
  48. I can have everything I want in life.
  49. I am doing a great job.
  50. I attract wonderful things into my life.
  51. I am whole and complete.
  52. There’s nothing I need to do or be to earn love or respect.
  53. My body is beautiful, exactly the way it is.
  54. Everything is possible for me.
  55. I have everything I need to succeed.
  56. What I want is coming to me.
  57. I am worthy of the compliments I receive.
  58. My contributions are valued and appreciated.
  59. I value myself.
  60. I can overcome every obstacle that comes my way.
  61. I believe in my abilities.
  62. Every challenge I overcome is a success.
  63. I have everything I need for success.
  64. I am stronger than my fears.
  65. I can face every challenge.
  66. I don’t need validations from others to know how good I am.
  67. Self-deprecation isn’t something I need.
  68. Every day I understand my purpose with greater clarity.
  69. As I live my true purpose, joy and contentment fill my life.
  70. I act with my sole purpose in mind and wonderful things happen as a result.
  71. I feel myself being drawn towards my highest purpose.
  72. I know that where I am headed is better than I could have ever dreamed or imagined.
  73. I demonstrate my life purpose in everything I do.
  74. I am focused on the present.
  75. I am resilient and handle things as they come.
  76. I am full of joy and happiness.
  77. I use my personal time for personal activities.
  78. I have everything I need to create my own opportunities.
  79. I accept myself as I am, and release the need for approval.
  80. Even if I stand alone, I will stand firm.
  81. I can say no when something does not serve me or help me grow.
  82. The only approval I need is my own.
  83. I am free to evolve and release anything that takes away from my growth.
  84. I own my power and recognize the strength inside me.
  85. I am allowed to take up space.
  86. I confidently and fearlessly believe in myself.
  87. I am worthy and deserving of my beautiful dreams.
  88. I am a successful and happy person.
  89. I am enough.
  90. I believe in myself.
  91. I celebrate the abundance of everything in my life.
  92. I am worthy enough to follow my dreams and manifest my desires.
  93. I am succeeding in life.
  94. I am amazed by what I can do.
  95. I am an inspiration.
  96. I am ready for great things and great experiences.
  97. I am ready for the future with optimism and determination.
  98. I choose to enjoy my life.
  99. I choose to prioritize myself.
  100. I deserve to be proud of myself.

100 Heart Chakra Affirmations for Unending Love and Joy

Increase love for yourself and others, the feeling of joy, and forgiveness with heart chakra affirmations.

Illustration showing symbol of heart chakra
Source – Tantra Nectar

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in the body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each relate to certain nerve bundles and major organs. 

There are 7 chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown). Today we will focus on Heart Chakra (also called Anahata) Affirmations.

The heart chakra is located at the center of the spine at heart level. It is connected to unconditional love for oneself and others, compassion, empathy, joy, and forgiveness.

💗 As the heart chakra is closely related to self-love, you can get deeper into this with my FREE 21-day self-love course for you.

Image showing the location of 7 chakras in the human body
Sacral Chakras in the human body (Source – Healthline)

Heart Chakra Affirmations for Love


Listen to more such affirmations on Gratitude app 

  1. I find love everywhere I go.
  2. I deserve love and being loved.
  3. I love myself to the fullest.
  4. Love is all around me, it’s everywhere I go.
  5. I am surrounded by love.
  6. I attract good, loving, kind people into my life.
  7. The power of love is inside me.
  8. I am welcoming love with open arms.
  9. I’m happy and grateful for having loving people in my life.
  10. I give my relationships the attention they deserve.
  11. I am ready and open to receiving love and blessings.
  12. I’m good and beautiful enough the way I am.
  13. My natural loving nature attracts love to me like a magnet.
  14. All my relationships are now loving and harmonious.
  15. I am ready to receive love.
  16. All of my relationships are meaningful and rewarding.
  17. I have wonderful and supportive friends.
  18. Friendships come easily to me.
  19. I converse well with all kinds of people.
  20. I concentrate on my friends’ good qualities.
  21. I choose to be involved with good-hearted people.
  22. My friends are free to be themselves around me.
  23. I am letting love into my life.
  24. I receive love in abundance from everyone I meet.
  25. I am grateful for all the love and affection I get.
  26. I deserve fulfilling relationships.
  27. My heart is open.
  28. I am attracting trusting and loving relationships.
  29. Real love starts with me.
  30. I am grateful for all the love and affection I get.
  31. I see love everywhere I go.
  32. I am worthy of the compliments I receive.
  33. I am worthy of love and care.
  34. I deserve the love I receive.
  35. I love myself and am open to love.
  36. The more love I give, the more I receive.
  37. I love to give and receive love.
  38. I take time to nourish my whole self.
  39. I am a priority in my own life.
  40. I choose to live in the moment and take things one day at a time.
  41. I am doing the best that I can do.
  42. My best is good enough.
  43. Mistakes are proof that I’m learning and improving.
  44. It is okay for me to be kind to myself.
  45. There is a beautiful loving light inside of me.
  46. As I focus on compassion, I naturally relate to others with love and understanding.
  47. Respect begins with love; therefore, I love my entire self.
  48. I am worthy of infinite and unending compassion.
  49. Compassion is infinite and fully surrounds me and my life.
  50. All of my decisions are inspired by inner wisdom and compassion.

Heart Chakra Affirmations for Joy and Happiness

  1. I am willing to be happy now.
  2. As I feel happy, I am manifesting more reasons to be happy.
  3. I accept that happiness is my true nature.
  4. My happiness comes from within me.
  5. Joy is the essence of my being.
  6. I am experiencing joy in everything I do.
  7. I am meant to live a happy life.
  8. My inner joy is the source of all the good in my life.
  9. Following my joy reveals the path to my best life.
  10. I am allowing myself to feel good.
  11. My choice to be happy is keeping me in perfect health.
  12. I am worthy of feeling happy.
  13. The life I’ve always dreamed of is created by my choice to be joyful now.
  14. I give myself permission to enjoy myself.
  15. The happiness I feel is felt by everyone around me.
  16. I am creating the possibility of happiness for others by being happy.
  17. All the good in my life comes to me as a result of my willingness to find happiness in each moment.
  18. My inner joy expands when I share it with others.
  19. My happiness is reflected back to me in everything I attract.
  20. I am feeling happy with myself as a person.
  21. I am always happy, hale and hearty.
  22. I am vigorous, energetic, and full of vitality.
  23. I am happy to be alive.
  24. My life is filled with health and happiness.
  25. I trust that everything in my life is unfolding perfectly.
  26. I am willing to be at peace with myself and everyone.
  27. I am healthy, happy, and radiant.
  28. I realize the gift of this precious human life.
  29. I am giving thanks for each exquisite moment.
  30. I am appreciating every blessing, no matter how small.

Heart Chakra Affirmations for Forgiveness

  1. I let go of negative experiences.
  2. I am letting go because I need to go.
  3. I am releasing painful thoughts that occupy space in my head.
  4. I am ready to move forward with my life.
  5. The past has no power or control over me.
  6. I am ready to live my life free of the past and by looking forward to new adventures.
  7. I feel good about the future.
  8. I step away from the prison of resentment into freedom.
  9. I choose to be free and happy.
  10. I choose the contents of my life.
  11. I am appreciating myself for learning all the good things from the past.
  12. I let go of all the barriers and hurdles that come in my way to success.
  13. I let go of all the negative thoughts that affected my past.
  14. I am trusting the phases of life and releasing the past with ease.
  15. I am grateful for knowing about the reality of many things in my past.
  16. I am releasing all the painful thoughts of my past.
  17. I am converting my past into my future very positively.
  18. I am releasing all the things from my past that are not for me.
  19. I am forgiving myself for my mistakes in my past.
  20. I am now living my life the way I want to.


100 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Clear Communication

Become clearer and more honest in your communication with throat chakra affirmations.

Image with the symbol of throat chakra

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in the body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each relate to certain nerve bundles and major organs.

There are 7 chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown). Today we will focus on Throat Chakra (also called Vishuddha) Affirmations.

The throat chakra is located at the base of the throat, at the center of the larynx. It is connected to effective communication, self-expression, clarity, and inspiration.

💗 Expressing yourself clearly is a part of self-love. If you’d like to get deeper into this, here is my FREE 21-day self-love course for you.

Image showing the position of 7 chakras in the human body
Sacral Chakras in the human body (Source – Healthline)

100 Throat Chakra Affirmations


Listen to more such affirmations on Gratitude app 

  1. I always speak in terms of success and prosperity.
  2. I always stay calm and collected when I speak.
  3. I always take part in intelligent discussions.
  4. I always voice my opinions in a calm and considerate way.
  5. I am a confident speaker.
  6. I am confident speaking in my area of expertise.
  7. I am a deliberate listener, pausing to reflect before responding.
  8. I am a good listener.
  9. I am a great communicator.
  10. I am clear and concise in my communications.
  11. I am a patient and attentive listener.
  12. I am always present when I communicate with others.
  13. I am an excellent speaker.
  14. I speak my truth freely and openly
  15. Being honest frees me.
  16. I am accountable for expressing myself clearly.
  17. I am safe and express myself truthfully.
  18. My honesty attracts what I deserve.
  19. I have the strength to tame my tongue.
  20. I have a rich vocabulary and add to it daily.
  21. I can talk about anything and everything with my people.
  22. I express myself most clearly and honestly.
  23. I listen intently when others are speaking.
  24. I am a born speaker.
  25. I trust my ability to speak for what is right, than any other thing.
  26. I have nothing to worry about- I have mastered one of the most important skills and that is communication.
  27. I make people laugh with my great sense of humor.
  28. My plus point is I am confident to speak with anyone.
  29. I can flow with the conversation.
  30. I am friendly and good to talk to.
  31. I can safely communicate my feelings with others.
  32. I only take part in positive conversations.
  33. My words illuminate my point of view.
  34. I will others understand the importance of having good communication skills.
  35. My talent for communication has helped me a lot to get over many things.
  36. I enjoy talking to other people.
  37. I make eye contact with people when I speak.
  38. I can make a difference in society and the world with the help of my communication skills.
  39. I speak with confidence and calmness.
  40. My ability to communicate draws others closer to me.
  41. I express myself with ease.
  42. I interact well with others.
  43. My voice matters.
  44. My words matter.
  45. I am proud of my communication skills.
  46. I increase my vocabulary every day.
  47. I know what the right thing is to say.
  48. I comfort others with my words.
  49. I clearly express myself.
  50. I have a loving voice.
  51. I deserve to be fully expressed in who I am.
  52. I release the blocks that keep me from being the fullest expression of myself.
  53. I am vibrant and radiating with light.
  54. I let go of any fear that exists in me about being fully expressed.
  55. I am creative.
  56. It is okay for me to want more.
  57. I am allowed to take up space.
  58. I am allowed to speak up.
  59. I am allowed to be uniquely me.
  60. I am worthy of a self-expressed life.
  61. I can be who I am right now in this moment.
  62. I do not need permission to be me.
  63. I express what I feel with strength, confidence, and honesty.
  64. It is safe for me to follow my curiosity in life.
  65. I surrender to the magical mystery of the universe, and to her divine guidance.
  66. I am deeply in love with and accept all of me.
  67. I am fully expressed.
  68. I express myself clearly and truthfully.
  69. I am safe to express my feelings and emotions.
  70. I make space for self-expression in my life.
  71. I am creative in the way that I express myself.
  72. I am worthy, and who I am right now, is worth expressing.
  73. My voice is my power.
  74. I am being sung by source energy.
  75. I expand my energy and let go of judgments.
  76. My voice is a unique contribution to the world.
  77. My body is open and free to express my voice.
  78. I trust the brilliance that comes through my voice.
  79. I always express my emotions.
  80. I let others know how I am really feeling.
  81. I always speak my mind.
  82. I show the world who I truly am.
  83. I allow others to see the real me.
  84. I stand up for myself and tell people how I feel.
  85. I stand up for what I believe in.
  86. I am comfortable confronting others and telling them how I feel.
  87. My words are positive and passionate.
  88. I value what other people have to say.
  89. I can remain calm when speaking to others.
  90. I read quickly and easily with great comprehension of all subject matter.
  91. I have many things to share with the people around me.
  92. I freely express my emotions in a calm and thoughtful manner.
  93. I am a natural communicator.
  94. I find talking to people on the phone easy and enjoyable.
  95. I express my feelings with sincerity.
  96. I talk only when others have finished speaking.
  97. I am an excellent communicator.
  98. I turn pending arguments into enriching discussions.
  99. It is totally safe for me to express my own true feelings.
  100. My ability to communicate effectively improves daily.


100 Crown Chakra Affirmations for Spiritual Awakening

Invoke your spiritual awakening and awareness of life’s purpose with crown chakra affirmations.

Image with symbol of crown chakra
Symbol of the crown chakra (Source –

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in the body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each relate to certain nerve bundles and major organs.

There are 7 chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown). Today we will focus on Crown Chakra (also called Sahasrara) Affirmations.

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head. It is highly connected to spirituality. Related to our connection with the supreme Self. A balanced crown chakra leads to spiritual enlightenment and the awareness of life’s purpose.

💗 Connecting to yourself is a part of self-love. If you’d like to get deeper into this, here is my FREE 21-day self-love course for you.

Image showing the seven chakras in the human body
Sacral Chakras in the human body (Source – Healthline)

100 Crown Chakra Affirmations


Listen to more such affirmations on Gratitude app 

  1. I honor the Divine within me.
  2. I am open to new ideas.
  3. Information I need comes to me easily.
  4. The world is my teacher.
  5. I am guided by a higher power and inner wisdom.
  6. I am worthy of love from divine energy.
  7. I am open to letting go of my attachments.
  8. I live in the present moment.
  9. I am an extension of the Universe, and The Universe is kind and loving.
  10. I am connected with the wisdom of the universe.
  11. I am a spiritual being in a human body.
  12. I honor the sacred divinity that exists within me.
  13. I am pure, beautiful, radiant light.
  14. My body is a beautiful home for my radiant soul.
  15. I am divinely protected, inspired, and guided by the Universe.
  16. I am deeply and unconditionally loved by the Universe.
  17. I am worthy of unconditional love from divine energy.
  18. I am connected to a limitless source of creativity, abundance, health, happiness, and love.
  19. I surrender to the loving will of the Universe.
  20. I am my highest, most authentic self.
  21. My highest self guides my actions and decisions.
  22. I am aligned with my soul’s purpose and truth
  23. I am always divinely and lovingly guided.
  24. I know deep inner peace.
  25. Eternal peace flows to and through me.
  26. I release the need to control my life and surrender to a higher power.
  27. I trust my intuition and listen to the wisdom of the universe.
  28. I am always gently held and lovingly guided by this Universe.
  29. I am loved, cherished, and adored by this Universe.
  30. Pure white light flows through me and heals my body, mind, and spirit.
  31. I am aligned with the highest frequency of love.
  32. I am clear about what I want and take inspired action to achieve my dreams.
  33. I release doubt and welcome faith.
  34. Every day, I feel more connected to my spirit.
  35. I openly accept spiritual guidance from a higher power.
  36. I bravely let go and allow the Universe to reveal its beautiful plan for me.
  37. I trust that the Universe gives me exactly what I need at exactly the right time.
  38. I am eternally connected to the divine source of the Universe.
  39. Even when the world is immersed in darkness, I walk forward in faith, love, and light.
  40. The light and energy of the Universe flow within me.
  41. I have unshakeable faith in my divine path.
  42. I’m Source Energy in a human body, and I can do anything.
  43. I surrender to my highest good.
  44. I surrender to the highest good for all.
  45. I am love. I am light. I am connected to all.
  46. I am on my perfect path for my life purpose. I become more enlightened each day.
  47. I am in harmony with nature and animals.
  48. Everything is connected. I am connected to all of life.
  49. My life is beautiful and sacred.
  50. My soul is always guiding me. I easily recognize divine wisdom as it flows to me.
  51. My life flows beautifully. I am always learning from my experiences.
  52. I’m learning to release attachments to physical things. My happiness comes from within.
  53. I observe my challenges with curiosity about what they can teach me.
  54. I am a divine being.
  55. I enjoy the little things in life.
  56. My soul chose this life experience for growth and expansion.
  57. I am a cooperative component with the universe, on the leading edge of creation.
  58. Death is nothing to be afraid of because I am more than my physical body.
  59. All is well in my world.
  60. I am open to knowing myself more deeply.
  61. Separation is an illusion; I am connected to all that is.
  62. I am joyful.
  63. I trust the universe and know that I am always safe.
  64. I am healing on all levels of my being.
  65. I understand that I am an important connection in the web of life.
  66. I am more than my ego-self.
  67. I vibrate at the frequency of appreciation and pure joy.
  68. My crown chakra is open and in perfect balance.
  69. I choose to live in the present moment because ‘now’ is all there is. All of my power is in the now.
  70. I know that everyone is at a different level of spiritual awareness, and doing the best they can.
  71. I release limiting thoughts, beliefs, and relationships that no longer serve me.
  72. Abundance is a natural result of my gratitude and appreciation for life. Prosperity flows to me with ease when I’m in alignment with my true self.
  73. I am oneness.
  74. I am healed on all levels of my being.
  75. I am fully aware and awake.
  76. I honor the divine within me.
  77. I am open to letting go of attachments.
  78. I am connected to all that is.
  79. I remove all limited thoughts and beliefs.
  80. I feel a strong spiritual connection to my higher self.
  81. I have unlimited possibilities available to me.
  82. I can achieve anything.
  83. I tap into my inner wisdom.
  84. I love and accept myself.
  85. I am a divine being.
  86. I am connected to the universe.
  87. All is well.
  88. Everything I seek is within me.
  89. I accept and receive divine energy to flow throughout my Chakras.
  90. I am divinely guided.
  91. I understand my life purpose.
  92. My experiences are blissful.
  93. I am in complete control of my emotions.
  94. I am optimistic and confident.
  95. I am aware of my inner beauty.
  96. I embrace life and cherish my spirit.
  97. I radiate love and warmth.
  98. I respect the intentions and emotions of others.
  99. I am open to receiving new energy.
  100. I surrender to the power of the Universe.


100 Biblical Affirmations for Christian Women

Feel closer to God and more connected with your life with biblical affirmations for women.

Image with illustration of Christian cross, clouds behind it, and two flowers at its sides

In this post, you will find 100 biblical affirmations for women. These affirmations will help you feel closer to God and more connected with your life.

On a side note, positive affirmations are one of the most-loved parts of my FREE💗 21-day Self Love Course. Students experience guided affirmations audio sessions every day ranging from topics like confidence, self-acceptance, self-worth, etc.

Alright then, here are 10o biblical affirmations for you:

Biblical Affirmations for Women


Listen to more such affirmations on Gratitude app 

  1. I am grateful for each breath God gives me.
  2. I know how to be still so I can hear from God.
  3. I am a woman of discipline and self-control.
  4. I can be confident in God’s power.
  5. I have the peace of Christ.
  6. My identity is in Christ – not anyone or anything else.
  7. I am not too much for God to handle.
  8. I have confidence that I can do all things through Christ.
  9. I am accepted by God.
  10. I appreciate every creation of God.
  11. God gives me strength.
  12. I am a worthy child of God.
  13. Even if I mess up today, I can try again tomorrow.
  14. I am a loving being.
  15. I am loved by God.
  16. God listens to me.
  17. God has great plans for my life.
  18. God woke me up this morning for a purpose.
  19. I will take the time to appreciate quiet moments this morning.
  20. I am created in God’s image.
  21. I am wonderfully made.
  22. I have sound knowledge and wisdom.
  23. I have might and power.
  24. I am whole and complete.
  25. I am faithful.
  26. I am fearless.
  27. My mind is clear.
  28. My focus is sharp.
  29. I make good choices.
  30. I am grateful for all that God has given me.
  31. I persevere.
  32. I am enough.
  33. I become a better version of myself every day.
  34. I love who I am right now.
  35. I am patient.
  36. I am everything God says I am.
  37. I speak with love.
  38. I do what I can.
  39. I appreciate myself for all I do.
  40. God is with me.
  41. God wants me to be happy.
  42. God wants me to live.
  43. I can rely on God.
  44. God’s Spirit makes me feel powerful.
  45. I release the pressure to perform.
  46. God is right here with me, holding my hand.
  47. God is looking after me.
  48. God guides me with love.
  49. My trust is in the Lord.
  50. I am boundlessly strong as God is with me.
  51. I believe in myself as God believes in me.
  52. I am God’s precious child.
  53. God woke me up today for a purpose.
  54. To show love to God, I show love to myself.
  55. I am beautiful by God’s definition.
  56. I am learning to love myself the way God does.
  57. I am loved just as I am.
  58. I appreciate the body that God gave me.
  59. I appreciate the life that God gave me.
  60. I appreciate all the gifts I have received.
  61. God’s approval of me is most important.
  62. I respect my body for the unique way it is made.
  63. Right now, I am exactly what God created me to be.
  64. I have the courage to do challenging things.
  65. I am beautiful.
  66. God’s power works best in my weakness.
  67. My faith makes me whole.
  68. As I place my hope in the Lord, my strength is renewed.
  69. God is my refuge.
  70. I guard my heart because it determines the course of my life.
  71. I trust God at all times.
  72. I trust God wholeheartedly.
  73. I live by faith.
  74. God will give me the strength I need to do everything He wants me to do today.
  75. I will respect myself and others because we are all made in the image of God.
  76. God loves me with everlasting love.
  77. I can have wisdom and guidance from God if I just ask.
  78. I follow Jesus no matter where he leads me.
  79. Fear has no place in my life.
  80. I am blessed.
  81. I am saved.
  82. God has good plans for me.
  83. I look for the good in each day.
  84. I am walking in the wisdom of God.
  85. My worth is defined by His grace.
  86. My trust lies in God alone.
  87. I choose Godly things.
  88. Today I focus on God to fill me with peace of mind.
  89. I cam heathy.
  90. I am focused on what matters most.
  91. I deserve the healthiest version of myself.
  92. My life is filled with beauty and grace.
  93. I face each challenge with grace.
  94. Challenges make me stronger and wiser.
  95. I am bold in my actions.
  96. I live with kindness.
  97. I live in the present.
  98. I put God first in my life.
  99. I enjoy helping others.
  100. I am content.


100+ Spiritual Affirmations to Awaken Your Soul

Immerse yourself in a transformative journey.

Image with illustration of a person praying

Welcome to our blog post dedicated to the transformative power of spiritual affirmations. 

In a world bustling with constant activity, finding moments of peace and mindfulness is not only important but fundamental.

These spiritual affirmations offer a pathway to reconnect with our inner selves, allowing us to tap into the profound wisdom and peace that resides within all of us.

Whether you are new to spirituality or have been on a spiritual journey for some time, incorporating spiritual affirmations into your daily practice can provide solace, clarity, and a deep sense of purpose.

Here are your spiritual affirmations:

Spiritual Affirmations

Daily Spiritual Affirmations

  1. I am a divine vessel of love and light.
  2. I awaken to the sacredness of each moment.
  3. Spirit guides me in every step I take.
  4. I connect deeply with my spiritual essence.
  5. Divine wisdom flows through me effortlessly.
  6. I radiate divine love to all beings.
  7. I embrace the spiritual journey of my life.
  8. I am open to receiving divine guidance and inspiration.
  9. I align my actions with my soul’s purpose.
  10. Each day, I deepen my connection with the divine.
  11. I am a channel for divine healing and transformation.
  12. My heart is a sanctuary of peace and gratitude.
  13. I surrender my worries to the divine presence within.
  14. I honor the divine light that shines within me.
  15. I am blessed with divine abundance and blessings.
  16. I trust in the divine timing of my life’s unfoldment.
  17. I find solace and strength in my spiritual practice.
  18. I am in tune with the whispers of my soul.
  19. I am a co-creator with the universe, manifesting miracles.
  20. I embrace the divine guidance that leads me to my highest good.

Positive Spiritual Affirmations

  1. I am blessed with divine abundance and grace.
  2. God’s love flows through me, nourishing my soul.
  3. I awaken to the infinite possibilities of my existence.
  4. Inner peace is my sanctuary, guiding my every step.
  5. My spirit is connected to the divine, radiating pure light.
  6. I surrender to the wisdom of the universe, trusting its divine plan.
  7. Each day, I am awakened to the beauty and miracles around me.
  8. The peace of God fills my heart and emanates into the world.
  9. My spirit is aligned with the sacred rhythm of life.
  10. I am a vessel of divine love, spreading compassion and kindness.
  11. The divine presence within me guides me toward my highest good.
  12. I open my heart to the divine blessings that flow abundantly in my life.
  13. In stillness, I discover the whispers of my soul, guiding me toward truth.
  14. My spirit soars in harmony with the cosmic energy of the universe.
  15. I embrace the divinity within me and recognize it in all beings.
  16. I release all worries and fears, surrendering to divine guidance.
  17. I am a divine expression of love and light, a reflection of the Creator.
  18. The sacredness of life fills my being, bringing deep reverence and gratitude.
  19. My spirit is infinite and eternal, connected to the vastness of the universe.
  20. I am a channel of divine blessings, showering the world with love and peace.

Divine Affirmations

  1. I am connected to the divine source of all that is.
  2. My heart is open to receiving divine wisdom and guidance.
  3. I trust in the divine plan for my life’s journey.
  4. I am surrounded by divine love and protection.
  5. The divine light within me shines bright and strong.
  6. I am grateful for the blessings of the divine in my life.
  7. I am a co-creator with the divine, manifesting my dreams.
  8. My soul is a sacred temple of the divine spirit.
  9. I surrender my fears and doubts to the divine presence within.
  10. I am guided by divine intuition and inner knowing.
  11. The divine spark within me ignites my passions and purpose.
  12. I am aligned with the divine flow of abundance and prosperity.
  13. I am a conduit of divine healing and transformation.
  14. The divine light within me shines brighter with each passing day.
  15. I trust in the divine timing of my life’s unfoldment.
  16. I am divinely supported and guided on my path.
  17. I am surrounded by divine beings who offer me love and guidance.
  18. The divine presence within me empowers me to live my truth.
  19. I am worthy of receiving divine blessings and miracles.
  20. My connection with the divine brings me inner peace and joy.

I Am Spiritual Affirmations

  1. I am a vessel of divine light, shining my truth into the world.
  2. I am a spiritual being, connected to the infinite wisdom of the cosmos.
  3. I am in tune with the divine flow, guided by inner knowing.
  4. I am a sacred expression of love, radiating compassion to all.
  5. I am aligned with my higher self, embracing my soul’s purpose.
  6. I am a channel for divine inspiration, creating with divine guidance.
  7. I am at one with the universal energy, harmonizing body, mind, and spirit.
  8. I am a co-creator with the universe, manifesting miracles in my life.
  9. I am a conduit of divine healing, spreading light and healing energy.
  10. I am connected to the divine source, supported in every moment.

Spiritual Awakening Affirmations

  1. I am awakening to the truth of my divine essence.
  2. I embrace the journey of spiritual awakening with an open heart.
  3. My spiritual awakening unfolds naturally and gracefully.
  4. I am becoming aware of the interconnectedness of all things.
  5. I release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve my spiritual growth.
  6. I am open to receiving higher guidance and wisdom on my spiritual path.
  7. I welcome the expansion of my consciousness during my spiritual awakening.
  8. I trust the process of my spiritual awakening, knowing that it leads to my highest good.
  9. I am awakening to the infinite possibilities within and around me.
  10. My spiritual awakening brings clarity, purpose, and joy to my life.
  11. I am attuned to the subtle energies and vibrations of the spiritual realm.
  12. I honor and nurture my soul’s journey of awakening.
  13. I embrace the transformative power of my spiritual awakening.
  14. My spiritual awakening leads me to deeper understanding and self-realization.
  15. I am awakening to the profound wisdom and teachings of the universe.
  16. I release attachments and embrace the freedom that comes with spiritual awakening.
  17. I am aligned with my higher self, guided by inner wisdom and intuition.
  18. My spiritual awakening allows me to see the beauty and divinity in all beings.
  19. I am grateful for the awakening of my spiritual consciousness.
  20. I am a radiant being of light, fully awake to my divine purpose and potential.

Short Spiritual Affirmations

  1. I am divinely guided.
  2. I trust the divine plan.
  3. I embrace divine love.
  4. I am a spiritual being.
  5. I am connected with God.
  6. I am one with all.
  7. I surrender to divine flow.
  8. I radiate inner peace.
  9. I am a soul of light.
  10. I trust my intuition.
  11. I am open to miracles.
  12. I am guided by grace.
  13. I am a vessel of light.
  14. I embody divine wisdom.
  15. I am aligned with spirit.
  16. I walk a sacred path.
  17. I am a channel of love.
  18. I honor my soul’s journey.
  19. I awaken to my truth.
  20. I am infinite consciousness.


70 Daily Mantras for Peace and Wisdom

Chant these powerful words for serenity.

Illustration of a woman practicing daily mantras

For the first time on this blog, I am making a post on mantras. As an Indian, they are nothing new for me. We’ve chanted mantras since we were children and studied Sanskrit in school.

It makes me grateful that the beautiful parts of our culture are leaping beyond oceans and enriching lives all over. In this post, I will share daily mantras that include the Sanskrit mantras and affirmations, as they are mantras too. Let me talk more about this.

What are mantras?

Mantras are ancient spiritual tools that have been used for centuries as a way of focusing the mind and cultivating a positive mindset.

The word “mantra” originates from Sanskrit, where “man” means “mind” and “tra” means “instrument” or “tool.”

Mantras are powerful phrases, words, or sounds repeated either silently or aloud to aid in meditation, self-reflection, and personal growth. Mantras distinctly have a strong vibration sound that resonates through the whole body, creating a peaceful and lasting effect.

Affirmations are also a type of mantra as they help clear our minds, bring peace, and grow confidence. We repeat affirmations the same way we repeat mantras to let their meaning settle with us and become our reality.

How to practice mantras?

  1. Decide your purpose for practicing mantras and what you want to bring into your life through them.
  2. Choose the mantras that naturally connect with you and hold meaning in your life.
  3. Find a quiet, comfortable, and disturbance-free space to practice your mantras. It is essential to give dedicated time to them.
  4. Sit in a comfortable and attentive posture. Close your eyes and relax. Take long, deep breaths to let go of any tension in your body.
  5. Start chanting the mantras aloud or in your mind. I would recommend saying them out loud.
  6. Speak each word slowly and let its meaning sink in. Pay attention to the sounds and put your heart into speaking the mantras.
  7. Whenever your mind wanders, bring it back and continue chanting the mantras.
  8. After you are done, take a few seconds before you jump back into the world. Let the sensations sit with you.
  9. Practice this regularly at a time that feels right to you and you are sure to be free. Prefer mornings because that’ll help you carry that positive feeling throughout the day.

And, with that, let’s get to our daily mantras. I will share both Sanskrit mantras and positive affirmation mantras with you. You can choose the ones you prefer and incorporate them into your life.

Daily Mantras

Sanskrit Mantras

Here is a list of powerful Sanskrit mantras and their meanings in English. It’s okay if you don’t memorize their meanings. What’s important here is the vibration when you chant them. So, focus on how that sounds and makes you feel.

  1. Om Shanti (ॐ शान्ति)
    Translation: “Om, peace” or “Peace be with you.”
  2. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya (ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय)
    Translation: “I surrender to the divine within.”
  3. Om Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu (ॐ सर्वेशां स्वस्तिर्भवतु)
    Translation: “Om, may there be well-being for all” or “May everyone be blessed with peace and harmony.”
  4. Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu (ॐ लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु)
    Translation: “Om, may all beings everywhere be happy and free”
  5. Om Asato Ma Sadgamaya (ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय)
    Translation: “Om, lead me from the unreal to the real” or “Guide me from ignorance to enlightenment.”
  6. Om Purnamadah Purnamidam (ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं)
    Translation: “Om, this is full, that is full” or “That is whole, and this is whole.”
  7. Om Namah Shivaya (ओं नमः शिवाय)
    Translation: “I bow to Shiva” or “I honor the divine within me.”
  8. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti (ओं शान्ति शान्ति शान्ति)
    Translation: “Om, peace, peace, peace” or “May there be peace within and around me.”
  9. Gayatri Mantra
    (ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः
    भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि
    धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्॥)
    “Om, Earth, Atmosphere, Heavens,
    May we meditate on the most excellent light of the divine creator,
    May that divine creator inspire our intellect and enlighten our minds.”
  10. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu (लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु)
    Translation: “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute to the happiness and freedom for all.”

Here is a video with mantras like these that you can listen to and chant along with the audio. It’s a really soothing experience.

With that, we now get to the more affirmation-like mantras that you can practice like the Sanskrit mantras, just the focus here will be more on their meaning than the vibrations.

Mantra of the Day

  1. I am grateful for the opportunities that this new day brings.
  2. Today, I choose to embrace joy and radiate positivity.
  3. I am filled with energy, vitality, and enthusiasm to tackle any challenges.
  4. I am confident in my abilities and trust in my inner wisdom.
  5. I welcome abundance and success into my life today and every day.
  6. I am open to receiving love, kindness, and support from the universe and those around me.
  7. I release all worries and doubts, knowing that everything is unfolding perfectly.
  8. I am worthy of happiness, love, and all the blessings life has to offer.
  9. I approach each moment with mindfulness and presence, savoring the beauty of life.
  10. I am the creator of my reality, and I choose to make today an amazing day.
  11. Today, I release all past limitations and embrace my infinite potential.
  12. I am grateful for the lessons of yesterday and the opportunities of today.
  13. I radiate love and compassion, touching the lives of those around me.
  14. I am the architect of my dreams, and today I take bold steps towards their realization.
  15. I trust in the journey of life, knowing that every experience serves my growth.
  16. I am a magnet for miracles, and I expect wonderful things to unfold in my life.
  17. I am grounded, centered, and connected to the wisdom of my inner self.
  18. I embrace change with grace and adaptability, knowing that it brings growth and new beginnings.
  19. I release the need to compare myself to others, recognizing my unique gifts and path.
  20. Today, I choose self-care and prioritize my physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  21. My body is a sacred vessel, and I lovingly care for it each day.
  22. I am grateful for my vibrant health and the abundant energy I feel.
  23. I radiate peace, bringing calm and harmony to all that surrounds me.
  24. Love flows through me effortlessly, attracting loving relationships into my life.
  25. I let go of tension, inviting deep relaxation and inner peace.
  26. I am a source of healing energy, bringing comfort and well-being to myself and others.
  27. I find balance and serenity in each moment, aligned with the natural rhythms of life.
  28. Love and kindness guide my actions, creating a world filled with compassion.
  29. I am surrounded by love, joy, and laughter every day.
  30. My heart is open, embracing forgiveness and freeing myself from past resentments.
  31. Positive thoughts nurture my mind, bringing inner peace and clarity.
  32. Each day is a precious gift, and I cherish it with a grateful and open heart.
  33. Divine love flows through me, offering comfort and healing to those in need.
  34. Kindness and empathy radiate from me, spreading compassion throughout the world.
  35. My well-being and the well-being of others are at the forefront of my thoughts, words, and actions.
  36. I effortlessly attract health, peace, and love into my life, embracing positive experiences.
  37. I send love and healing to every cell of my body, nourishing it with vitality and strength.
  38. I honor my body as a sacred temple, making choices that support my overall well-being.
  39. Gratitude fills my heart, attracting more love and abundance into my life.
  40. I am a divine vessel of peace and love, contributing to the collective healing and upliftment of humanity.

Short Mantras

  1. I am enough, just as I am.
  2. I choose love over fear.
  3. Peace begins within me.
  4. Every breath is a new beginning.
  5. I release what no longer serves me.
  6. Today, I embrace possibilities.
  7. I am a vessel of divine light.
  8. I trust in divine timing.
  9. Gratitude is my superpower.
  10. I am the creator of my reality.
  11. I radiate love and kindness.
  12. I am open to receiving abundance.
  13. I choose thoughts that uplift and empower me.
  14. I am a magnet for positive opportunities.
  15. I trust my intuition and follow its guidance.
  16. Today, I embrace self-care and self-love.
  17. I am the author of my own story.
  18. I release judgment and embrace acceptance.
  19. I am grateful for this moment and all it holds.
  20. I am a beacon of light in the world.


100+ Positive Mantras to Live By For a Good Life

Fill each day with the light of good thoughts.

Image with illustration of a rabbit

Every day of our lives is different. We can never be sure about how our day will end because anything can happen, it’s life. The only thing we do have control over is the thoughts we choose to believe in. The mantras we live by. The mantras that help us when we’re down and climb back up again.

These mantras are worded to support you when you decide that you want to think optimistically, to think thoughts that will uplift you. So much of our life is dependent on our perception. Two people can have the same experience but have completely different perspectives about it.

Positive mantras will help you choose the positive perspective, the brighter, more supportive perspective. They’ll help you be more resilient, more grateful, and more present in life. We only have this one life, why not live it to the fullest?

With that thought, here are 100+ mantras to live by for a wonderful life:

Mantras to Live By

  1. My body is my sanctuary.
  2. My health is my greatest treasure.
  3. Each day, I am getting stronger, healthier, and more vibrant.
  4. Only I can make the best of my life.
  5. I have power over my time.
  6. I have power over my choices.
  7. I can do what I need to do.
  8. I trust myself.
  9. I trust that everything is unfolding for my highest good.
  10. I release all worry.
  11. I go with the flow of life.
  12. I am grateful for this new day of life.
  13. My life is my greatest blessing.
  14. I am so grateful to see another day in this beautiful world.
  15. Being alive is the most beautiful miracle.
  16. I am ready for a great day.
  17. Today, I choose to look at the brighter side.
  18. Today, I choose to see the light.
  19. I am ready to believe in myself.
  20. I can make my day better.
  21. I am welcoming abundance today.
  22. I am limitless.
  23. I am the artist of my destiny.
  24. I am grateful for the simple joys that each day brings.
  25. The more I love, the more I grow.
  26. My life is a gift.
  27. I appreciate every moment on this beautiful planet.
  28. I am one with the Universe.
  29. I am grateful for every breath I take.
  30. I am grateful for the food that keeps me alive.
  31. I am a blessing.
  32. I am beautiful, inside and out.
  33. I am strong.
  34. I am patient.
  35. I am resilient.
  36. I am rich.
  37. I am loved.
  38. I am grateful.
  39. I am compassionate.
  40. I am making a difference in this world.
  41. I am a force to be reckoned with.
  42. I am capable.
  43. I am aware of my strengths.
  44. I am peaceful.
  45. I am breathing in relaxation.
  46. I am worthy of the wealth I desire.
  47. I am financially free.
  48. I am grateful for the money I have.
  49. I am a money magnet.
  50. I am worthy of financial success.
  51. I am an excellent money manager.
  52. I am open to receiving more money.
  53. I am attracting money easily and effortlessly.
  54. I am worthy of financial success.
  55. I am an excellent money manager.
  56. I am generous with my money.
  57. I am a great giver and an excellent receiver.
  58. I am the master of my wealth.
  59. Self-care nourishes my mind, body, and soul.
  60. I prioritize self-care for my overall well-being.
  61. I am worthy of regular self-care and make time for it.
  62. Self-care is essential for my long-term health and happiness.
  63. I replenish my energy through intentional self-care.
  64. Peace flows through every breath I take.
  65. In stillness, I find peace and serenity.
  66. I release all tension and embrace peace within.
  67. Peace resides within my heart, radiating outward.
  68. I am a vessel of peace, spreading it to the world.
  69. Peace surrounds me, enveloping me in its gentle embrace.
  70. Each day, I choose peace as my guiding light.
  71. My thoughts and actions are rooted in peace and compassion.
  72. Peace is my refuge amidst life’s storms.
  73. I surrender to peace and let it heal my soul.
  74. I give myself permission to heal.
  75. I am willing to be at peace with myself and everyone.
  76. My immune system is healthy and strong.
  77. I am grateful for my body.
  78. I am healing gently.
  79. I allow myself to give and receive love.
  80. I am capable of unconditional love.
  81. I trust that everything in my life is unfolding perfectly.
  82. I am willing to be at peace with myself and everyone.
  83. I am healthy, happy, and radiant.
  84. My sleep is relaxed and refreshing.
  85. I am grateful for many things in my life that bring me joy and comfort.
  86. I trust that what’s meant for me is already mine, regardless of how and when it is mine.
  87. I am worthy of beautiful endings and exciting beginnings.
  88. I allow my voice to be heard, my thoughts to be expressed and my vision to be seen.
  89. I am open to things working out for me. I am open to receiving abundance. I am open to connecting with my highest self.
  90. I am eternally grateful for all of the blessings I have in my life.
  91. I am happy and grateful for everything I have and receive daily.
  92. I constantly remind myself to enjoy all the good I have in my life right now.
  93. I express deep appreciation for the small steps I achieve each day.
  94. With every breath I take, I am bringing more and more gratitude into my life.
  95. I deserve love just as I am.
  96. Compassion flows through me effortlessly.
  97. I am my greatest ally.
  98. Self-love comes to me naturally.
  99. Love fills my heart for who I am.
  100. Each part of me is worthy of love.
  101. I honor and cherish my life.
  102. My uniqueness is a beautiful part of me.
  103. I fully embrace all parts of me.
  104. Love radiates from within me.


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